Urgently lookong for a job as 2nd engineer
Expected salary:
5 500 USD
After graduated Kherson Marine Colledge in 1982 year I worked as a motorman on the various ships type Bulker, Heavy lift, Ro-Ro, Dry vessel with ME type B&W, Sulzer, Ianmar,Mitsubishi, Wartsila. After graduated F.F.Ushakov MSU from 2012 to 2017 years I worked motorman, 3nd engineer, 2nd engineer in the company Alphamate commodity on the ship Agata M type Heavy lift-Ro-Ro. In my head were ME wartsila 6R32, antihilling system, termooil sestem, 2psc deck craines SWL, 100t each. I was engaged in maintenance and repair of these mechanisms.