Pls consider my CV. Have got exp. with the Liebherr deck cranes, SWL 60 mts x 2. All certificates till 2020 y. including USA C1/D and Schengen Visas.

Expected salary:
7 500 USD
Captain's COC - unlimited.
45 years old, Ch.Off service since 2007 y. and as a Master since 2017y.
Mixed crew exp. since 2010 y.
Good experience on Multipurpose cargo vessels, max. DWT 10650 mts, exp. with the "Liebherr" deck cranes (SWL capacity 60 mtsx2). Have been involved in cargo operations on the Geared box tweendecker with the movement bulkheads. Have got Dry dock experience in Turkey, Tuzla Çeksan Shipyard. Good self-maneuvering skills, passing Turkish, Messina & Danish Straits in both directions without pilot. Sailing area is World wide excepting Pacific ocean region. The latest contract sailing area is North Europe, including UK ports.
Successfully was cleared by various inspections:Paris MOU PSC,USCG,UK FSC and GL. Have got practical knowledge of ISM/ISPS and other maritime legislation.
All certificates till November, 2020 y. including USA C1/D and Schengen Visas.
Ready to take off at any day.