Practice makes perfect

Expected salary:
2 200 USD
I am Fikret Jafarov from Baku, Azerbaijan. I was a naval officer and have served in the navy and the coast guard. After the end of my service life, I decided to continue working on my specialty. All STCW required training courses have been completed. I passed the exam and received a Certificate of Competency as an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on ships of 500 gross tonnages or more.
You may say he is not from the merchant marine and doesn't fit your company. Don't be in a hurry to doubt the Navy guy. Below I list a few reasons to dispel your doubts:
- Service on ships of various types (see «Sea-going experience» table);
- 12 years of experience at sea without maritime accidents;
- Navigation areas - Caspian sea, Black and Mediterranean seas;
- Safety monitoring during transportation as well as loading and unloading operations of military purposes' dangerous goods;
- Different vessel inspections.
And many others...
Every field needs hard work. I'm ready to work hard for achieving common prosperity. I will be glad to become a member of your company.
Deck department
Dry cargo vessels
Vessel type:
General Cargo Vessel