CrewTraffic CrewTraffic

Hot Works on ships

A proper Risk Assessment shall be available for the different scenarios and shall be reviewed


In port a written permission from the harbor master shall be obtained prior commencement

of work. Before starting any hot work, the Officer on watch is to be informed.

The „Permit to Work” -Form must be completed for all hot work operations (welding, flame

cutting etc.) which will be carried out on board except in the welding space of the engine room


This includes also external work parties like workshops or technicians. If the Hot Work is carried out by an external party the “Hot Work Permit” must be filled out and in addition a hot

work permit from the harbor master must be obtained.

If same cannot be provided in time prior commencing the hot works an entry in the Logbook

has to be done and countersigned by the Agent/Foreman.

In any way the ship must ensure a proper fire watch & fire precautions in addition to agreed

procedures with shore workers or contractors.

Further guidance as found in the “MCA-Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen", the German "UVV" or any other guideline on Occupational Health and Safety are to be


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