Cargo Hold Cleaning & Testing Procedure
1. Master permission:
- Cargo Hold bilge cleaning and testing to be done after complete of cargo operation and only after
Master permission.
2. Safety Notice:
- Sufficient lighting to be provided
- Sufficient ventilation to be provided
- All works to be done only with min 2 persons
- All deck crew to be fully equipped with sufficient personal protective equipment.
3. Way of communication:
- During all cleaning and testing time, PIC from crew involved to cargo hold bilge cleaning/testing,
must to keep contact with officer on watch and in case of washing with C/O and C/E by VHF for
pumping out water from the bilges.
4. Weather condition:
- Cleaning and testing to be done only under good weather condition.
- In case of weather condition changing, Officer on watch must to inform deck crew involved in
cleaning and testing.
5. Materials to be used:
- Rubber Wipers
- Rags
- SeaClean and EnviroClean (Unitor) to remove oily spots
- Steelwire diam 3 mm (max) for testing of the sensors.
6. Way of working.
Before washing the cargo hold it must be swept proper and dirt and remaining parts of bulk cargo to
be removed.
At all times: it is PROHIBITED to cover up cargo hold bilges by plastic
During the cargo hold washing it is PROHIBITED to wash the dirt into the cargo hold bilges.
During the cargo hold washing it is PROHIBITED to direct the spray into the cargo hold bilges.
After washing is completed, main gratings on the ALL sections of the cargo hold bilges to be open and
internal cleaning of the bilge section must be done.
During cleaning of bilges, special attention to be taken to the cleanliness of level sensor and suction
pipes gratings .
Testing of bilge alarm:
Before any testing, CE to be informed and VHF - communication from both sides to be checked.
Before the bilge alarm is tested, crew must check that the floating element is free and easy moving
For testing of bilge level alarm, the floating element to be lifted up by wire and keeping in this position
min 45 sec (due to alarm time delay setting is 40 sec)
In ECR CE must receive a visual and audible alarm of "Cargo hold bilge High Level". After reset, CE
have to check alarm printer that same record is done.
Testing of suction capacity:
Capacity of suction pipe/pump must be bigger than the maximum amount of water coming into the
cargo hold from 2 fire hose and operation of sprinkler system.
By this reason the cleanliness of suction gratings is very important and no any plastic coverage is
For testing, the bilge-box to be filled with water from fire-line and sufficient suction to be confirmed
for 2 minutes full water supply.
Testing of water-tightness from overboard:
To be done by CE regularly by following way.
- to check the butterfly valve VL 1016: to be opened valves VL 1014, 1013, 1017 to/from ejector BE01 and observed vacuum of the system (it have to be not less than 0,8 bar)
- after this, one of the valves from the cargo hold bilge (for example VL 1043) to be opened.
Vacuum of the system to be observed.
- to check the bilge valves it is necessary to keep closed valves VL 1032, 1033, 1034, 1040, 1035,
1042, 1043 and open valve VL 1016 and observe vacuum of the system.
7. Inspection:
- Final inspection to be done by Captain afterwards.
Cargo Hold Ventilating Procedure
1. Master permission:
- Ventilating of Cargo Hold to be started after complete of cleaning operation, when the all crew
members involved in to cleaning operation are out from cargo hold and after Master permission.
2. Safety Notice:
- Fan's flaps to be opened.
- Load on the Generators is enough for cargo hold fan's starting
- Cargo hold fans must have sufficient resistance of insulation
3. Special Attention:
- Ventilation required during/after transportation of Dangerous Cargo (please see cargo description)
- Ventilation requited during sea passage according to special cargo requirements.
4. Weather condition:
- Ventilation of the Cargo Hold to be done only under normal weather condition.
- In case of gale warning and changing weather condition, Officer on watch must to inform engine
and deck crew to stop fans and close the flaps .
5. Fan's capacity:
- Cargo Hold fans must to provide minimum 6 c/hold air volume changes per hour.
6. Inspection:
- Final inspection to be done by Captain or C/Off after sufficient drying and with using of gas
detector if it is necessary.