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Lifebuoy Inspection – Grabline

Once again we would like to start with a special safety maintenance part in the Briese news. You may also cut out the page and place it in the Training manual for guidance.


During PSC inspections and internal audits fol-lowing were identified as deficiencies: • diameter of grabline less than 9.5mm • length of grabline less than four times  the outside diameter of the body of  the buoy • grabline not properly secured at four  equidistant points • grabline destroyed, frayed or perished


The regulation behind : LSA code Chapter II 2.1 Lifebuoys

Each lifebuoy shall: .8 be fitted with a grabline not less than 9.5mm in diameter and not less than four times the out-side diameter of the body of the buoy in length.

The grabline shall be secured at four equidistant points around the circumference of the buoy to form four equal loops.

During monthly inspections of lifebuoys it shall be checked for above     mentioned deficiencies.

Any identified deficiency has to be rectified im-mediately and has to be properly documented in the SOLAS checklist.

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